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Party 篇1


  theme: party

  su orting materials: tapes, cards, the

  ghost’ coat , the magician’s

  hat / bag/ stick , house models,


  teaching contents: prince , sheriff,

  ghost, clow

  sentence : what ’s the weather

  like today ?

  song: 《party song》

  prince , sheriff, ghost, clown. one, two,

  there, four, five sit down.

  prince , sheriff, ghost, clown. five, six,

  seven, eight sit down.

  teaching proce :

  1.a.greetings: good morning ,everybody!

  look outside . what ’s the weather

  like today ? yes, it’s su y. when

  the su y i ’m very ha y .

  b.warming up :

  well, well … we are ha y now.

  let’ play a game. ok?

  up, up, up. down, down, down .

  left, left, left. right, right, right.

  e a go go go ! (go over there ,then teacher say :the mo ter is coming .children must go back to their seats as quickly as they can .if someone go back slowly , he will be eaten by the mo ter .)

  2. directio :

  (1)first teacher be prince /sheriff/ ghost/clown and do the action . let them gue : who am i ? then show them cards

  let them gue .(the teacher become a magician .) the magician use :abracadabra, one , two , three…oooh! show the card for the children.


  a: shaking

  show children. the magician’ bag and let them gue :what are they in the bag?

  invite one child come to the front . the kid and teacher catch the bag and shake

  quickly. then let he/she take out a card

  and say : prince /sheriff/ghost/clow

  b: jumping

  invite one boy/girl come to the front.

  the teacher say: i say the clown one

  time ,you jump to the clown one time.

  i say the clown two time ,you jump

  to the clown two time. make another

  children clap hands and say the word.


  a. at the first ,let the kids listen to the song and see the teacher ’s action.(1x)

  b. teacher teach them one sentence by sentence slowly.(1x)

  c. let everybody sing this song.(3x-)

Party 篇2


  f listen and repeat & e read and act


  二. 教学目标:


  2. 巩固、运用所学的语言知识。

  3. 通过听力练习,进行听力培养。


  1. 复习巩固单词句型

  2. 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语

  we’re late for the party. let’s hurry!.

  3. 了解辅音字母ck在单词中的读音

  4. 通过听力练习,进行听力培养。



  五. 课前准备

  1 录音机,磁带

  2 练习册

  3. 教学挂图或多媒体课件


  step 1 say the rhyme : my brother

  step 2 free talk

  1. greetings (师生之间常规问好)

  2. good morning/afternoon, boys and girls.

  hi!/hello!/ nice to meet you. how are you?

  what day is it today?

  3. who’s that boy/ girl with….? he’s/she’s…

  he’s/she’s a student.

  4. is that…your friend? which one? the one in the…

  yes, he/she is. no, he/she isn’t.

  step 3 revision

  1.listen and repeat the dialogue.

  2. read and recite the dialogue.

  3. act the dialogue.

  4. guess: he’s my father’s father. who is he? 复习巩固单词grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother, sister, friend,a skirt, an eye, an ear, a mouth, a nose, a head, hair,

  step 4 listen and repeat

  1. listen to the tape, read after the tape.


  2 归纳所学过的含有字母ck的单词

  step 5 read and act

  1. watch the cartoon 看光碟动画,或看图片,听录音,理解对话意思。

  2. read after the tape. 跟读。齐读、分组读、分角色读课文.

  3. act the dialogue in pairs.

  step 6 listen and exercise



  1. complete the exercise.

  2. recite and write the new words.

  3. recite the whole unit.


  unit 2 at a party(f&e)

  ck /k/

  we’re late for the party.

  let’s hurry!

  where’s your…?


Party 篇3



  unit 5 if you go to the party , you'll have a great time !


  new teaching






  能力1.words and expressions in this unit . language :

  are you going to the party ?

  yes , i am . i'm going to wear my jeans .

  if you do , you'll have a great time .

  you should wear your cool pants 3.掌握现在进行时态表示将来(present progressive as future ).

  4.学习条件状语从句: if + will .



  方法1read,write,listen and say 2work in group

  情感态度与价值观 1.学习谈论因果关系.

  2.做出决定是否做某事.教学重点1.学习运用be going to 和will构成的一般将来时。

  2.if 引导的条件状语从句。

  教学难点1.学习运用be going to 和will构成的一般将来时。

  2.if 引导的条件状语从句。

  教学方法1read,w rite,listen and say 2work in group教学用具teaching cards , a tape recorder .computer




  计1.学习运用be going to 和will构成的一般将来时。

  2.if 引导的条件状语从句。




  teaching contents:sectiona 1a,1b,1c,2a,2b,2c,grammar focus .

  teaching procedures :

  step 1 leading in

  draw two pictures on the bb ,in the first picture a boy is getting up late ,and in the second picture the boy can't catch the early bus .then talk about the pictures with ss and write down the se ntence "if y ou get up late , you will not catch the early bus ."read the sentences ,ss repeat .

  repeat with other sets of pictures .

  step 2 pre-task

  sb page 34 , 1a .

  1.point out the pictures and ask ss to tell what they see .

  2.ask some students to read the statements and responses .

  3.have ss match the statements and responses on their own .

  step 3 while-task

  sb page 34 , 1b . the tape and get ss to check their answers to activity 1a . about the answers together .

  sb page 34 , 1c .

  1.ask two ss to read the example in the sample in activity 1c. pairs , get ss to talk about what happened in the pictures .

  3.ask s ome pairs to present their conversations to the class .

  sb page 35 , 2a & 2b . the instr uctions .make sure the students know what to do . the recording .ss listen and write down their answers .

  3.correct the answers .

  step 4 post-task

  sb page 35 , 2c .

  1.ask two students to read the sample dialogue . pairs ,get the stu dents to role play the conversation between andrea and her friend .

  3.ask a few pairs of students to practice their conversations for the class .

  step 5 grammar focus

  sb page 35 , grammar focus . the grammar focus .ask ss to say the statements and responses .

  2.ask ss to work in small groups .ask each group to write down as many sentences like those in the grammar focus as they can.

  3.ask some groups to share their sentences with the class .

  homework :

  have ss write their sentences on their exercise books.

  read,write,listen and say

  work in group





  this section provides guided oral practice using the target language .the students can practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.

Party 篇4


  1.the students can read the rhyme my brother

  2.the students can write the words and sentence patterns in this unit.



  create the english atmosphere.

  have a dialogue with the students.

  sing the song who’s that girl?

  have a dialogue with the teacher

  sing the song who’s that girl


  the students can read the rhyme my brother

  let the ss to read it by themselves.

  play the record.

  guide to look at the picture and understand the meaning.

  guided reading

  play the record.

  say it to your partner.

  reading competition.

  the ss read it by themselves. and underline to words they don’t know.

  listen carefully and get the sound of the words

  look at the picture and understand and meaning.

  read after the teacher.

  read after the tape.

  say it to your partner.

  reading individually and others judge who is the best reader.


  review the sentence patterns and words.

  show the pictures of the words

  ask them to spell it.

  play the record of the exercises in exercise book.

  analyze the exercise d and e.

  hold a dictation.

  read it one by one

  spell it.

  do the listening in unit2 in the exercise book.

  one ss says the answer and others discuss.

  have a dictation.

  the dictation shows that the ss still can’t write these words and sentences. i think the reason is that the words are much more than unit 1.


  consolidate the sentence patterns.


  一.put the words in the right order.

  1. that, boy, is, your , brother?

  2. the man short who’s hair with?

  3. one the the in blue coat.

  4. the, woman, in, a, green, skirt, who’s

  5. say, go, let’s , and hello

  take notes and finish.

  4b unit2 at a party 第4课时 来自艺考文库。

Party 篇5

  新目标英语八年级上unit 5 can you come to my party

  period 1 & 2教案


  教学理念分析: go for it 新目标英语,实行的是新课程标准,采用的是任务型语言教学(task–based language teaching)模式,教学设计和教学过程,应充分发挥学生的主体地位,教师的主导作用,创造设计切实可行的真实的语言交际情景和任务,让学生体验、实践、使用目标语,进行交际和解决问题——完成任务,让学生传达信息和体验成就感,增加兴趣,真正落实教学情景化和教学步骤交际化原则,落实在做中学、用中学、学中用的原则.



  a.学习,理解掌握和运用以下单词: lesson calendar tomorrow invitation whole till invite

  b.学习,理解掌握和运用以下词组 baseball game ;football match; the day after tomorrow; the day before yesterday ;come over to, have a piano lesson another(next) time

  c.学习,理解掌握和运用以下句子:can you come to my party? can he/she go to the baseball game? can they go to the concert? sorry , i can’t. sure, i’d love to./ great. i’d love to. come and have fun. come and join us. maybe another /next time. thank you for asking/inviting me/your invitation.




  c.能用情态动词have to










  课时安排:4课时,本教案例是section a的两课时

  teaching procedures

  period 1(section a 1a-2c)


  t: what weekend activities do you know? make a list.

  ss: study for a test/ go to a movie /have a piano lesson /surf the internet/ help my mother /visit my grandfather /play basketball and so on.

  让学生把所知活动写在黑板上,这样既为下一步要用到活动名提供了选择和参考,又让学生学习以前知识且能体验到成就感,兴趣大增,在列举的基础上补充如go to the doctor /go to the baseball game/ have a guitar lesson等且写在黑板上.

  step 2导入新课

  t; what activities do you want to do this weekend?

  s:i want to …

  t: what activities do you not want to do?

  s:i don’t want to study for a test/…

  t; yes, you don’t like these activities but you have to do them.

  把句型you have to do something.写在黑板上,这样导入了表示拒绝的重点句型 i have to…然后问学生是否能参加我的生日晚会(晚会时间各不相同有上课时,周末等)回答中必然有肯定和否定两种,帮助学生回答完整且把下列对话写在黑板上.

  a: can you come to my party?

  b: sure , i’d love to .thanks for asking.

  sorry i can’t. i have a piano lesson/have too much homework…

  i’m sorry , i can’t . i have to help my mother./go to the doctor.

  i’m sorry , i can’t. i’m playing soccer./going to the movies.


  step 3 pairwork(2c)

  task: give and accept or decline invitations in pairs like2c.then ask several pairs to act out their conversations.


  step4 groupwork

  当最后两组学生互相邀请时,随后问全班同学can he /she come to his or her party ?help them to answer .no he /she can’t. he /she has a football lesson /has to help her mother/is surfing the internet. then ask the class to ask and answer in threes to practice following conversations.

  a: can you go to the movies?

  b: sorry, i can’t . i have to go to the doctor.

  c: can he go to the movies?

  a: no he can’t .he has to go to the doctor.


  step5 invitation and report

  task1: invite five classmates to a concert.

  task2: report the result.


  step6 listening

  task: listen to 1b,2a&2b and finish the exercises in them.





  period 2(section a 3a-4)

  step1 revision

  task 1:列举出拒绝邀请的几种表达法,如:i have a violin lesson. i have to go to the doctor. i’m going shopping 检查所学。

  task 2:创设情景让几位学生邀请他人参加,这必然会用到上节课所学,再次口头上巩固所学,同时提供交流机会,让学生展示自己,有成就感,从而提高兴趣,学生既复习旧知识,又提高了口语交际能力。

  step 2 presentation

  t:we learned how to give ,accept and decline invitations .but if we want to invite lots of people and we don’t have enough time, what shall we do ?

  ss: call him ,ask other’s help ,write a letter, send an e-mail and send an invitation card.

  t: great. you have so many ways. today we will learn how to write an invitation card . first look at the card in 3a .

  task1:list different ways to invite people.

  task2:look at the card and answer following question:

  t: what must we write on the card ?

  ss: time , place, from or for whom, event and invitation.


  step 3 pairwork (3a)

  task 1:fill in the blanks in pairs and check the answers in class. then read the conversation together.


  step 4. practice (3b)

  task 1:make an invitation card.

  t: try to imagine an event and fill in the card with details of an event.

  s:. students imagine events and fill in the chart alone. two of them write down their card on the bb. ask several students to read out their cards.

  task 2.invite each other to the event according to their invitation cards

  a: hi ,b. call you go to the baseball game ?

  b: when is it ?

  a: it’s on saturday ,june 10, at 7:00 pm.

  b: where is it ?

  a: it’s in hong shan stadium.

  b: great , i’d love to.

  step 5. presentation


  lucy’s calendarmonday tuesdaywednesdaytuesdayfridaysaturday &sunday


  afternoonbabysit my sisterhave a guitar lessonvisit my aunt

  eveningdo homeworkhelp my motherdo homeworkgo shopping

  t: suppose you are lucy. and answer my questions.

  t:can you go to the movies this week?

  s1: sure, i’d love to. when?

  t: what are you doing on monday evening?

  s1 :i have to do my homework.

  t: well. what are you doing on friday afternoon ?

  s1: i’m going shopping.

  t: what are you doing tuesday evening?

  s1: nothing. i can go with you.

  step 6 pairwork

  practice the conversation in part 4 on page 27 in pairs.


  step 7 finding a partner.

  t: first make a reasonable calendar for a week on vacation .then invite one friend to do something together with you.

  s: first make a calendar for a week. then make a conversation to invite a partner.


  1.revise what learn today.

  2.make an invitation card and make a conversation to invite someone according to the invitation card.

Party 篇6

  unit 5 if you go to the party,you’ll have a great time!



  late    sorry    organize     professional     against

  chance   injured   consequence   explain improve       

  have a great time  玩得高兴

  take away      运走,取走

  all the time     一直,始终

  make a living    谋生

  in order to     为了

  have a party     举行聚会

  go to college    上大学

  be famous for    因……而著称

  make money      挣钱

  in fact       事实上

  laugh at       嘲笑

  too much       太多

  get exercise     锻炼

  travel around the world   周游世界

  work hard      努力工作

  wear jeans      穿牛仔裤

  let in        允许……进入,嵌入

  get an education  获得教育


  1. if you do, you’ll…

  2. i’m going to …

  3. you should…

  4. don’t you want to …?

  5. don’t you think ….?


  1. if条件句

  2. 现在进行时表示将来的时间


  一. if条件句

  1. if条件句:条件句用于陈述语气,表示假设的情况可能发生,其中 if 是“如果”的意思。

  构  成条件从句主  句

  时  态if+一般现在时主语+shall/will+动词原形

  例  句if he comes,he will take us to the zoo.

  2. 用法:

  (1)条件状语从句通常由连词if引导,意为“如果、假如”,主句不能用be going to表示将来,而应该用shall,will。

  if you leave now, you are never going to regret it. (错误)

  if you leave now, you will never regret it. (正确)

  (2)if “如果”,引导条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时,从句则用一般现在时,如:

  if it rains tomorrow, i shan’t climb the hills.

  注意宾语从句中的if与条件状语从句if的区别。宾语从句中的if“是否”相当于 whether,引导宾语从句,时态需根据语境确定。

  i don't know if it will rain tomorrow. 我不知道明天是否会下雨。

  二. 现在进行时表示将来的时间

  1. 用be doing表示将来:主要意义是表示按计划、安排即将发生的动作,常用于位置转移的动词,如:go,come,leave,arrive等, 也可用于其他动作动词,如:

  we are having fish for dinner. 我们晚饭吃鱼。

  we are moving to a different hotel the day after tomorrow. 后天我们会去另外一个旅馆。


  a: where are you going?

  b: i am going for a walk. are you coming with me?

  a: yes, i am just coming. wait for me.

  2. 现在进行时表示将来和用be going to 表示将来意思比较接近,但是现在进行时更强调事先已安排好,即将去做的事情, 而be going to 一般只表示打算做某事,有做某事的意图。我们来看两个例子:

  she is having a meeting at 9 tomorrow. 她明天早晨9点有个会。

  we are leaving for london next week.我们下周出发去伦敦。


  三. too much 和 much too

  too much 后接不可数名词,用来表示数量太多,意思是“……太多了(数量多)”;much too后接形容词,用来说明程度的,意思是“太……(程度深)”如:

  much too heavy 太重了 (表程度)

  错误:he has drunk much too water.

  正确:he has drunk too much water. 他喝了太多的水。(修饰不可数名词,表数量)

  四. be famous for 和 be famous as

  be famous for表示“因……而出名”, for后接表示出名的原因;be famous as则表示“以……身份而著名”,as 后接职业、身份或地位,表示作为……职业、身份或地位是著名的,如:

  france is famous for its fine food and wine. 法国以其佳肴和美酒著名。

  france is famous as a romantic country. 法国作为一个浪漫的国家而出名。


  一. 单项选择

  1. the volleyball match will be put off if it ________. 

  a. will rain 

  b. rains 

  c. rained 

  d. is rained

  2. there ________ a football game on tv this afternoon.

  a. is going to have     

  b. will be

  c. is going to play     

  d. will play

  3. this work is ________ for me than for you.


  b.the most difficult

  c.most difficult  

  d.more difficult

  4. i'll catch up with lucy before she ________ the finishing line.

  a.reach reaching 

  c.reaches in 

  d.will reach

  5. excuse me. could you tell me ________?

  a.where's the teachers' office

  b.where's the bus stop

  c.what's she doing

  d.where the post office is

  6. i won't go if it ________ tomrrow.

  a.rain raining


  d.will rain

  7. wu dong is good at ________ english.





  8. you'd better ________ your jacket. the room is too hot

  a.take off

  b.put on

  c.take out

  d.take care

  9. in the race wu dong ran fastest. no one could ________ him

  a.get on with

  b.hurry up

  c.give up

  d.catch up with

  10. he is a little ________ than you.





  11. watching tv ________ is bad for your eyes.

  a.much too

  b.many too

  c.too much many

  二. 用下列词语的正确形式填空

  chance    laugh    against   organize    leave

  1. i am _______ england next week.

  2. everyone _______ his foolish words.  

  3. jane _______ the party,and the friends enjoyed themselves.

  4. i met him by _______ in the street.  

  5. no one is _______ this plan. 

  三. 根据汉语意思,完成下列句子

  1. 如果你向他请求,他会帮助你。

  if you _____ him,he _______ you.  

  2. 我说那天是星期二,实际上是星期一。

  i said it _____ tuesday,but ______ it was monday.  

  3. 为了赶火车,她匆匆做完了她的工作。

  ________ catch the train,she hurried through her work.

  4. 她问那是否够了。

  she asked _________ enough.

  5. 我们玩得很快乐。

  we have ________. 

  四. 完形填空

  there are many words in the english language. you will never  1  the meaning of every word in english. when you read, you will often find many  2  you do not know. you will not have enough time to  3  reading and try to find every new word in a dictionary.

  sometimes you can  4  a new word because you know some of the parts of the new word. for example,if a word  ends  5  the letters “er”,that word  6  be the name of a  7  or a thing that does a certain action(某个动作). a writer is a person who writes.  8  it is not

  9  to know the parts of a new word to understand it, 10  it will help you many times.

  1. a.know       b.learn       c.find        d.look up

  2. a.books      b.letters      c.stories     d.words

  3. a.stop      b.enjoy       c.keep       d.start

  4. a.find       b.get        d.guess

  5.        c.up

  6. a.can       b.might(可能)   c.should      d.must

  7. a.friend      b.boy         c.person      d.girl

  8. a.then        c.yet        d.sometimes

  9. a.helpful     b.useful      c.enough       d.good

  10. a.but      b.and        d.for

  五. 阅读理解

  mr white and his wife wanted to paint(油漆) the outside of their house. to save(节省) money they wanted to do it themselves. on saturday morning they bought some paint and two brushes(刷子). they began that afternoon with the back of the house. the next saturday mr white went to a football match(比赛) but his wife painted the front of the house. on sunday they found they couldn't open any of the front windows. they got them all open in the end. but they broke three of the seven. they were very dear to mend. next time when they want to save money they'il certainly ask somebody to do the work.

  l. mr white wanted to paint ________.

  a. the front of the house      

  b. the back of the house

  c. the front windows       

  d. the outside of the house

  2. they wanted to do the work themselves because ________.

  a. the windows were very easy to break

  b. the windows were very hard to open

  c. nobody could do this work well

  d. they didn't want to give more money

  3. the work lasted for about ________.

  a. two days         

  b. less than a week

  c. three days         

  d. more than a week

  4. they have to ask somebody to mend the ______ windows.

  a. three     

  b. four      

  c. five      

  d. seven

  5. next time they will ask somebody to work for them because

  a. they want to go to football matches

  b. it is no longer an interesting thing for them

  c. they have no more paint and brushes

  d. they really want to save some money

  6. which is the right order(顺序) for this story?

  a. they started with the front of the house.

  b. they broke some of the windows.

  c. the whites wanted to paint the house themselves.

  d. they began with the back of the house.

  e. they bought some paint and brushes.

  a. e,d,a,b,c          

  b. a,b,c,d,e

  c. c,e,d,a,b          

  d. c,e,a,d,b 



  1. b  真实条件句主句为将来时,从句用一般现在时。

  2. b  be going to do,will do都可以表示将来的动作,但只有选项b符合there be... 句型要求。

  3. d  different的比较级应该用more。

  4. c  

  5. d  宾语从句要用陈述语序。 

  6. c 条件状语从句主句为将来时,从句用一般现在时。

  7. c  be good at doing sth. 擅长做某事。  

  8. a take off脱下,后半句说屋里热,所以应该用take off。

  9. d catch up with 赶上。

  10. c   

  11. c


  1. leaving 现在进行时表示将来。

  2. laughed at 因他的傻话而发笑。

  3. organized

  4. chance by chance 偶然。

  5. against be against反对。


  1. ask,will help

  2. was,in fact

  3. in order to

  4. if that was

  5. had a good / great time


  1.a     2.d     3.a     4.d     5.a

  6.b     7.c     8.d     9.c     10.a


  1.d  夫妇俩想油漆房子的外面。

  2.d  他们自己油漆房子是为了省钱。

  3.d  因为他们从上个星期六下午到这个星期六,故一个多星期。

  4.a  有三个窗子破了故要修这三个。

  5.d  他们以后找别人做事,确实是为了省钱,因为他们自己油漆打破了窗子,又叫人来修,而实际花去的钱比原来要多、要贵。故他们明白了请会做的人做,比自己要便宜。

  6.c  整个故事的顺序应该是这样:想自己粉刷房子,买用具、刷后面、刷前面、打破窗子。此题考查你们的阅读能力。解题的关键是要读懂全文,注意前后文之间的联系,易错的是第3题和第5题。

Party 篇7

  unit 12 a birthday party教案

  content: unit12 welcome to this unit, listening, speaking


  teaching aims and demands:

  1. leaning some new words.

  2. what do you usually get for your birthday ? would you like to....

  3. learn to use the questions.what/ how/when/where...,

  key points:

  what do you usually get for your birthday ? would you like to…

  difficult points:

  would you like to…

  teaching aids:

  some objects;a tape recorder and some pictures

  teaching methods:

  1 task-based teaching approach

  2cooperative learning approach

  teaching procedures:

  step ⅰ presentation

  1. check the homework.

  2. ss ask each other:--

  a: what do you usually get for your birthday?

  b:i usually get------

  what about you?

  a:i usually get------.would you like-----?

  b:i'd love-----.

  3. please cover the words in the pictures and discuss: look, soon

  4. listen to the tape and answer the questions:

  when is millie's birthday?

  what does millie usually get for her birthday?

  does she want a cd for her birthday?

  listen to the tape again and read after it.

  5. read the dialogue by yourselves.

  6. listening.

  t: tomorrow is millie's birthday. her mother wants to buy something for the party. now they're talking about the birthday shopping. this is the shopping list:

  7.listen to the tape and read the words after it, pay attention to the pronunciation.

  stepⅱ practice

  1. tomorrow is millie's birthday, right?

  ----yes, it is./no, it's not.

  it's millie's birthday tomorrow, right?

  ----yes, it is./no, it isn't.

  today is your birthday, right?

  ----yes, it is./no, it isn't.

  what do you want to buy for her?

  ----i want to buy her a teddy bear.

  (buy her a present=buy a present for her)

  what does she want to buy?

  ----she wants to buy some stickers.

  where can we buy these presents?

  ----at the toy shop near our school.

  where does your mother often buy things?

  ----in the supermarket.

  when do you want to go shopping?

  ----after school.

  2.listen to the dialogue and try to find out what they will buy.

  3.listen to the tape again and answer the questions:

  where can they buy the presents?

  when do they want to go shopping?

  do they go shopping together? the dialogue loudly and try to act it out with your partners.

  stepⅲ production

  1 .discuss with your partners about what present you want to buy for millie's birthday.

  2 class work


  1 learn the new words and phrases by heart.

  2 .translate the sentences: (20分)






  3 preview reading :

  a. read the new words.

  b. read the pronunciation.

  c. finish the exercise:



  starter unit 12 a birthday party

  total periods: 3

  unit12 welcome to this unit, listening, speaking

  period: 3-1







  家庭作业 (20分)







  一 根据汉语意思或开头字母补充句子。(4分)

  1. —what do you want to t______ me? —some good news.

  2.ben often ______ (洗) his face after he gets up.

  3. i often get a lot of ____(卡片) from my friends before the spring festival.

  4. i always get many beautiful ____ (礼物) from my aunts every year.

  二 单项选择。(5分)

  ( )1.the little boy is very kind.he always __________ his food_________ others.

  a.shares, with b share, for c. share, with d.shares, for

  ( )2. daniel would like _________ uncle bob’s new flat next weekend.

  a to, visit b visit c visits d visiting

  ( )3.millie _______ a beautiful dress,she looks cool.

  a has b wears c put on d there

  ( ) birthday is ________ 1st october.

  a on b in c at d of

  ( )5. she doesn’t want __________.

  a. dance b. dancing c to dancing d dancing

Party 篇8

  课时目标:analyze some of the items on the test paper



  create the english atmosphere.

  have free talk with the ss.

  have free talk with the teacher.


  analyze listening: let the ss understand it.

  2.analyze part 1

  analyze part 3. the ss get the general idea of special question and its answer.

  analyze part 4.

  analyze part 5.

  analyze part 6

  read these parts.

  ask ss to read each word and tell me the sound of the underlined words and judge.

  let the ss read each sentence and say the chinese meaning of the first word of each sentence.

  let the ss to find the answer to each question.

  let the ss find the clue.

  give them some help at some certain time

  1.the one in the brown shirt.

  2.we’re late for class.

  3.who’s the boy with a big head? that girl your sister?

  5.let’s go and say hello.

  let the ss correct by themselves.

  give some help.

  listen again and one s tells the answer. others discuss it in class.

  read each word and tell me the sound of the underlined words and listen to my comment carefully.

  the ss reach each sentence and say the chinese meaning of the first word of each sentence and get the information.

  find the answer to each question.

  the ss find the clue.

  1. boy brotherc

  2. big nose b

  3. big eyes c

  4. she yes b

  5. man no a

  6. do youa

  7. he mr. green d

  8. a yellow sweater b

  9. lated

  10. according to meaning c

  look and correct.

  correct by themselves

  one tells the answer others judge.

  the ss’ shortcoming is written english and they are lack of analysis ability. i should give them some analysis strategies.

  they are puzzled with the question words.


  master the words and sentences by correcting.


  1.correct the paper

  2.preview unit 3 part a. two names cards: one is for your father or mother; the other is for yourself (after twenty years).

  take notes and finish.

Party 篇9

  课题 unit 5 if you go to the party, you’ll have a great time! period 7教学目标1.knowledge objectsreading: i’ve been studying history in china.2.ability objectsto train students’ reading comprehension train students how to use the strategy of reading.3.sensibility and valueto be interested in learning about chinese history and western history.教︵材 分 析︶1.teaching key pointskey vocabulary.section 1.section 2.2.teaching difficultiessection 3.section 4.板书设计示意框图reading: i’ve been studying history in china 1.i’ve been teaching in china for two years.2.since i came to china, i’ve been learning a lot about my family history.3.i’ve been studying for over two years now.时序

  教学操作过程设计(重点写怎么教及学法指导,含课练、作业安排)step ⅰ greet the class as usual and check the homework.ask students to read the new words one by one. correct any mistakes. then read the new words and ask students to repeat. make sure students know the meanings.step ⅱ section 1 before you readgroupworkfirst ask students how much do you know about history? then let students discuss these questions in many chinese dynasties can you think of? many famous characters from chinese history can you think of? make a list.3.can you think of famous characters from the history of other countries? make a list.

  read the title i’ve been studying history in china to the class. get students to predict what they think the article is about, according to the title.step ⅲ section 2 while you readreading strategylet students scan the text quickly to find details that they are looking for. tell students they can find information quickly without reading the whole the tape for students and ask students to read the text.step ⅳ section 3 after you read3aask students to go through the reading again. then have them complete the sentences below.1.leo has been teaching in china for __________.2.some buildings in harbin are __________.3.the __________ welcomed the first jewish settlers to australia, students usually study __________ and __________ history.5.the more leo learns about __________,the more he enjoys __________ in china.answers1.two emperor4.australian;western5.chinese history; living3bgroupworkdivide students into groups of the conversations in 3b on the screen.ask students to practice the conversations, then let them make their own conversations according to 3b.3cask students to make their own conversations in groups. student a tells a plan. student b says what will happen if they carry out the plan. student c reports what was said. then get some groups to act out their conversations.step ⅴ section 4 go for it!first ask students, what problems might you have living in a foreign country? and what problems do you think a foreigner might have in china? let students discuss with their partners.then have students complete the chart according to their discussion and the examples.step ⅵ summarythis class we’ve practised some reading and writing. and we’ve learned something about chinese history and australian history.are you interested in history? which foreign country are you interested in?i hope you learn something more about our history and study hard to make our country stronger and more beautiful in the future.step ⅶ homework preview the new words in unit class we’ll start unit 7.






Party 篇10


  unit 5 can you come to my party? 是《义务教育课程标准实验教科书英语(新目标)八年级(上)》的一个单元。本单元学生将要学习礼貌地发出、接受、拒绝邀请,谈论自己必须做的事情,并合理安排自己的活动。在本单元的第一课时,学生已经初步了解了如何向别人发出邀请的“can you...?”句型,如何接受邀请“sure,i'd love to.”和拒绝邀请“i'm sorry.i have to ...”的句型。本课时,学生将继续练习如何在真实的语境中运用本课的话题。










  step 1:free talk

  (1) talk about every day activities.


  例如:visit my friends,babysit his sister,rent the vcds,go to the dentist,have a piano lesson,study for the english test,etc.

  (2) make sentences.


  for example:i can't visit my friends,because i have to study for the test.


  step 2:task


  (1) listening 2a & 2b

  (2) pairwork

  student a invites his/her partner to do something.student b declines he/her invitation and give reasons.

  task circle:every student invites at leastfive classmates to do something.

  每个学生至少成功邀请 5 个同学做事情,如邀请不成功,需写被拒绝的理由,最后完成下表。




  has to help her parents










  can you come to ...?

  sure,i'd love to.

  sorry,i can't.i have to ...

  that's too bad.maybe another time.

  thanks for asking.


  (1) tell your neighbor who accepts your invitation and who refuses your invitation.why?

  (2) write a short passage.

  for example:

  mary can't come over to my home,because she has to help her parents.but lucy can come here.she is free.


  step 3:homework

  design an invitation card.invite your friends to have a barbecue on weekend.tell them the time and place.



Party 篇11

  unit 7 the birthday partytopic 3 we had a wonderful party section c学 案教 案


  1. 学习并检测新单词:each,sit,silent,blow,blow out,breath,everyone,had,delicious,funny.

  2. 复习一般过去时,学习一些动词过去式的不规则变化.

  3. 谈论生日庆典。




  1.口语热身:what did you do yesterday ?

  i went to ……

  i washed my hands……

  i missed the chair and fell down.

  i played games……

  2.哈哈, 我会写出这些动词的过去式,来哦!来看我的咯!

  miss is\am are do

  dance perform play recite

  sing fall wash can

  hurt go talk lose


  每个; 坐; 无声的; 呼吸; 每人,人人;

  有,吃,喝; 美味的; 有趣的,滑稽可笑的;

  手工做这些贺卡 ;一口气 ;

  坐在蛋糕周围 ;默默许个心愿 ;

  吹灭蜡烛 ;


  when was kangkang’s birthday?

  what did the children bring for kangkang ?

  did kangkang like the birthday cards?

  how old is kangkang ?

  what did kangkang do before he blew the candles out?


  have buy give make is

  sit blow sing bring do\does


  this tuesday is kangkang’s birthday.

  his parents cooked lots of food and drinks for him.

  his friends bought the cards.

  this was the twelfth birthday of kangkang .

  they danced ,but didn’t sing and play games at the party.

  7. 我会找出关键词哦!

  we a birthday party for kangkang yesterday.

  his parents lots of food and drinks.

  we the cards .

  there was a big birthday cake with on it.

  kangkang a ,and then he the candles

  in .

  we danced , and games .everyone a .



  1. 你能总结出动词过去式的变化规则吗?

  2.你知道blew the candles out 有另外的说法吗?

  3.你知道了food 和drink的用法了吗?

  4.你知道了each of …的用法了吗? hand 的意义你明白了吗?






  1. 我能总结出动词过去式的变化规则哦.





  look play live use

  stop plan study worry

  2.我知道了blow out 表示

  blew the candles out 的另外的说法是

  若接人称代词的宾格就只能放在blow out的 .

  3. food 在此用作 名词,表示食物的总称,

  而drink表示不同种类的饮料时可以加 .

  4.each of us 表示“我们每个人。”

  each of… / every one of… 后接复数名词或代词,当它们做主语时,谓语动词通常

  用单数。如:every one of them good at playing basketball. hand 亲手,亲自,独自地 同义词是 和 .

  6. have a good time“玩得高兴”,是一个固定短语,a 不能省略;意思相当于

  和 .

  7.we made the cards by hand ;he can sing in english ;we write with pens.

  在这三个句子中,by,in和with都表示 .

  by表达使用的 .

  in表达使用的 ,后面常常跟有关语言和材料的词语.

  with表达使用的 , 后面常常跟有关工具的词语.



  1. jane made a s_________ wish at her birthday party.

  2. she ate two apples in one b________.

  3. we had a w_______ party, and we had a good time.

  4. i b_________ a present for him last sunday.

  5. let’s sit a ________ the table and have a cup of tea.

  6. e_____ in the party should perform.

  7. the wind is b________ heavily.

  8. the food is very d_______. i like it very much.


  1. 今天公园里有许多人。

  there are ________ ______ people in the park today.

  2. 我们亲自动手做了一个飞机模型。

  we made a model plane ______ ________.

  3. 晚饭准备好了,全家人都坐在桌子周围。

  supper was ready, the whole family _______ _______ the table.

  4. 玛丽许了一个愿, 然后一口气吹灭了蜡烛。

  mary _____ _____ ______ ______ and then she _______ ______

  the candles .

  5. 昨天我们在动物园玩得很高兴。

  yesterday we ________ _____ ______ _____ in the zoo.


  1. she ________(have) supper late last night.

  2. my mother _______(give) me a bike for my birthday.

  3. jim _______(bring) us a new book this morning.

  4. the teacher _______(teach) us english last term.

  5. he _________(hurt) his leg. he couldn’t walk.

  四. 单项选择:

  ( )1.can you sing kangkang’s birthday party?

  a. in b. into c. to

  ( ) 2.we got a lot of fruits and foods .

  a.for him b.for he him

  ( )3.everyone kangkang a birthday card yesterday. b.gave

  ( )4.there a birthday cake and some candles on the table. b.are

  ( )5.we blew the candles out one breath.


  ( )6.we’re interested in the story. b.funy c.funny


  make, have, be, blow, begin, bring, come, recite, perform, sing

  it kangkang’s birthday last sunday. his friends all to his party and

  many presents for him.jane a card for him. at the party, helen a chinese poem while tom magic last, kangkang out the candles in one breath when his friends “happy birthday to you”. after that, they to eat the birthday cake. everyone a good time at the party.教学重点、难点:1. 学会运用本节课的新单词和短语。2. 学习一些动词过去式的不规则变化。3. 谈论生日庆典。预学案导学:通过生日聚会来谈论过去发生的事情,进一步来学习一般过去时的变化规则以及不规则变化的形式,情景导入(简单体现):通过猜谜活动和为某位学生开生日聚会来推出新词和动词短语来进入主题.3.合作展示:(1) 小组学习(2) 交流汇报4. 归纳整理:(见"我明了”部分)5.评估拓展:学以致用:fun和funny的区别:fun表示乐趣,趣事,是不可数名词,不与a连用.比如:playing basketball is fun.funny表达滑稽的,好笑的,是形容词.比如:i like funny stories.6.反思总结:

Party 篇12

  if you go to the party you’ll have a great time教案

  unit 5 if you go to the party , you’ll have a great time !

  teaching goals:

  1.words and expressions in this unit . language :

  are you going to the party ?

  yes , i am . i’m going to wear my jeans .

  if you do , you’ll have a great time .

  you should wear your cool pants .

  3.掌握现在进行时态表示将来(present progressive as future ).

  4.学习条件状语从句: if + will .




  important and difficult points :

  1.学习运用be going to 和will构成的一般将来时。

  2.if 引导的条件状语从句。

  teaching aids : teaching cards , a tape recorder .

  period 1

  teaching contents:sectiona 1a,1b,1c,2a,2b,2c,grammar focus .

  teaching procedures :

  step 1 leading in

  draw two pictures on the bb ,in the first picture a boy is getting up late ,and in the second picture the boy can’t catch the early bus .then talk about the pictures with ss and write down the sentence “if you get up late , you will not catch the early bus .”read the sentences ,ss repeat .

  repeat with other sets of pictures .

  step 2 pre-task

  sb page 34 , 1a .

  1.point out the pictures and ask ss to tell what they see .

  2.ask some students to read the statements and responses .

  3.have ss match the statements and responses on their own .

  step 3 while-task

  sb page 34 , 1b . the tape and get ss to check their answers to activity 1a . about the answers together .

  sb page 34 , 1c .

  1.ask two ss to read the example in the sample in activity 1c. pairs , get ss to talk about what happened in the pictures .

  3.ask some pairs to present their conversations to the class .

  sb page 35 , 2a & 2b . the instructions .make sure the students know what to do . the recording .ss listen and write down their answers .

  3.correct the answers .

  step 4 post-task

  sb page 35 , 2c .

  1.ask two students to read the sample dialogue . pairs ,get the students to role play the conversation between andrea and her friend .

  3.ask a few pairs of students to practice their conversations for the class .

  step 5 grammar focus

  sb page 35 , grammar focus . the grammar focus .ask ss to say the statements and responses .

  2.ask ss to work in small groups .ask each group to write down as many sentences like those in the grammar focus as they can.

  3.ask some groups to share their sentences with the class .

  homework :

  have ss write their sentences on their exercise books.


  period 2

  teaching contents: sectiona 3a,3b,4,sectionb 1,2a,2b,2c.

  teaching procedures:

  step 1 leading in

  ask some students to make sentences with if .

  step 2 pre-task

  sb page 36 , 3a .

  1.first ,let ss read the notice from the principal . the dialogue to the class saying bland when come to a blank line .

  3.get ss read the notice again and fill in the blanks .

  4.correct the answers .

  step 3 while-task

  sb page 36 , 3b .

  1.ask some students to read out the sample dialogue and the words in the box . pairs , let ss have a conversation about the rules .

  3.get some pairs to say their conversations to the class .

  sb page 36 , part 4 . the instructions and ask ss to complete the work in pairs .

  2.ask a few students to share their conversations .

  step 4 post-task

  sb page 37 , part 1 .

  ask students to complete the work on their own .then do a quick check to see which things are most important to students in the class .

  sb page 37 , 2a & 2b . the instructions and play the recording . listen and write down their answers .

  3.correct the answers .

  sb page 37 , 2c .

  in pairs , get ss to role play a conversation according to the information in activity 2b .


  have ss write their conversations on their exercise books.


  period 3

  teaching contents :sectionb 3a , 3b , 3c , 4 , selfcheck .

  teaching procedures :

  step 1 leading in

  check the homework .ask a few students to present their dialogue to the class .

  step 2 pre-task

  sb page 38 , 3a . the instruction and ask students to read the article first for the meaning .

  2.let ss read the article again and complete the chart .

  3.check the answers .

  step 3 while-task

  sb page 38 , 3b . the instructions .ask ss to look back at activity 2a and 2b to get ideas for the letter .

  2.ask ss to complete the letter on their own .

  3.ask some students to read their completed letters to the class .

  sb page 38 , 3c .

  1.ask two different students to read the two sets of sentences in the examples .

  2.have ss write about their own plans .

  3.ask several students to read their sentences to the class .

  step 4 post-task

  sb page 38 , part 4. the instructions and then have a student read the example .

  2.ask the whole class to practice doing the exercise together .

  3.ask ss to work in groups of four or five .then let several groups to say their stories to the class .

  step 5 selfcheck

  sb page 39 , selfcheck part 1 .

  1.ask ss to fill in the blanks on their own .

  2.check the answers .

  3.ask ss to make their own sentences with the words given .

  sb page 39 , selfcheck part 2. have ss fill in the blanks on their own .correct the answers .

  step 6 homework

  have students write the sentences in part 2 on their exercise books .


  review of units 1-5

  teaching contents: review of units 1-5(sb page 40-43) .

  teaching procedures:

  step 1 leading in

  sb page 40 , 1a .ask ss to do the crossword individually .correct the answers .

  sb page 40 , 1b .

  1.have ss understand what they need to do by explaining the example .

  2.ask ss to do the activity in pairs .

  3.ask several pairs to share their clues with the class .let the other students guess the answer .

  step 2 pre-task

  sb page 41 , 2a & 2b . the instructions and let ss know what to do . the recordings of conversations 1-4 .

  3.correct the answers .

  sb page 41 , 2c .

  1.replay the second dialogue about the school fire .

  2.ask two pairs of students to practice the sample dialogue for the class . complete the task .

  step 3 while-task

  sb page 42 , part 3 .

  1.remind ss to write in sentences .

  2.ask some ss for their suggestions .

  sb page 42 , part 4 .

  1.ask a few ss about things they like to do ,tell ss to write five things they do .

  2.ask ss to share their activities with their partner .

  3.ask ss to share the answers with their partner .

  step 4 post-task

  sb page 42 , part 5 .

  1.ask ss to rank the signs in order of importance .

  2.ask ss for their answers .

  sb page 43 , part 6 .

  1.explain to ss that aliens landed at your school the week before .ask ss to interview several people and write down what the people said .

  2.instruct ss to turn the quotes they have into reported speech in their magazine article .let ss do activity on their own .monitor and provide support as required .

  step 5 homework

  sb page 43 , part 7 .have ss complete the questionnaire .



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