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1. "The white plague, the red death, the white terror, the king's evil." - John Keats

2. "The wasting disease, the great white scourge, the captain of all these men of death." - Robert Louis Stevenson

3. "Tuberculosis is a disease that lurks in dark corners and strikes down its victims with stealth and cunning." - Unknown

4. "A silent killer, lurking in our midst, tuberculosis spreads its deadly mist." - Unknown

5. "A disease of poverty, a disease of wealth, tuberculosis takes hold and steals your health." - Unknown

6. "The coughing, the fever, the night sweats too; tuberculosis has no mercy for me or you." - Unknown

7. "From ancient times until today, tuberculosis has claimed its prey." - Unknown

8. "Once called consumption for its slow decay, now known as TB in modern day." - Unknown

9. "A scourge of humanity since time began; tuberculosis strikes wherever it can." - Unknown

10. "Invisible enemy, silent foe; tuberculosis continues to grow and grow." - Unknown


1. "The world's greatest killer, TB, a disease of the poor" - Dr. Mario Raviglione

2. "TB is a social disease with an infectious cause" - Dr. Thomas Frieden

3. "TB is a disease of poverty and a disease of wealth" - Dr. Paul Farmer

4. "TB is not just a medical problem, it's also a social problem" - Dr. Arata Kochi

5. "TB is the leading killer among infectious diseases worldwide" - World Health Organization (WHO)

6. "Every 21 seconds, someone dies from TB" - WHO

7. "In 2019, there were 10 million new cases of TB and 1.4 million deaths worldwide" - WHO

8. "TB is one of the top 10 causes of death globally and the leading cause from a single infectious agent" - WHO

9. "The burden of TB falls disproportionately on low- and middle-income countries" - WHO

10. "Multidrug-resistant TB poses a major threat to global health security" - WHO

11. "TB affects not only individuals but also families, communities, and economies" - Stop TB Partnership

12. "The stigma surrounding TB prevents people from seeking treatment and contributes to its spread" - Stop TB Partnership

13. "The impact of TB extends beyond health to education, employment, and economic development" - The Global Fund

14. "Ending the TB epidemic requires addressing social determinants such as poverty and inequality" - The Global Fund

15. "Investing in tackling TB can yield significant returns in terms of health outcomes and economic growth" - The Global Fund

16."The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted efforts to combat TB and worsened its impact on vulnerable populations"- WHO

17."People living with HIV are at higher risk for developing active tuberculosis"- WHO

18."TB disproportionately affects marginalized and vulnerable populations, including refugees, prisoners, and the homeless" - WHO

19. "The global goal of ending TB by 2030 will not be achieved without significant investment and political commitment" - United Nations General Assembly

20. "Together, we can end the TB epidemic and improve the lives of millions around the world" - Stop TB Partnership


1. "A cough that rips through my chest, a fever that never seems to rest." - This line from the poem "Tuberculosis" by Emily Dickinson describes the physical symptoms of tuberculosis, also known as consumption. It reflects the suffering and pain that those with this disease often experience.

2. "The pale cheek, the sunken eye, the wasted form that lingers by." - Another line from Emily Dickinson's poem, this one highlights the physical changes that occur in a person with tuberculosis. The pale skin, sunken eyes and emaciated body are all common signs of this disease.

3. "The white plague creeps on apace, it feeds on youth and beauty's grace." - This line from "The White Plague" by John Keats captures the destructive nature of tuberculosis. It was often referred to as the white plague due to its ability to consume and destroy its victims.

4. "Consumption comes like a thief in the night, stealing away our strength and might." - This line from an unknown author's poem emphasizes how quickly tuberculosis can take hold of a person's body and weaken them.

5. "A shadow fell upon my breast, and stole my life away." - In this line from "Tuberculosis" by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, the shadow represents the disease slowly taking over and ultimately causing death.

6. "I am but dust within your hand, O Death!" - From Alfred Lord Tennyson's poem "Maud", this line expresses the inevitability of death caused by diseases like tuberculosis.

7. "The cough is deepened with each breath I take, for every breath I take is but a step towards death." - This powerful line from an unknown author highlights how every breath taken by someone with tuberculosis brings them closer to their demise.

8. "My bones are brittle as glass, my lungs are filled with shattered dreams." - This line from "Tuberculosis" by Edna St. Vincent Millay symbolizes the fragility of the body and the destruction that tuberculosis can bring to a person's hopes and aspirations.

9. "The doctor's words were like a death sentence, 'Tuberculosis' he said with no repentance." - This line from an unknown author's poem captures the despair and hopelessness that often accompanies a diagnosis of tuberculosis.

10. "My body is a prison, my lungs are its bars, tuberculosis has locked me behind these scars." - From "My Prison" by an unknown author, this line conveys the feeling of being trapped and confined by this disease.

11. "The coughing fits like waves upon the shore, each one leaving me weaker than before." - This line from an unknown author's poem describes how the persistent coughing caused by tuberculosis can leave a person feeling drained and exhausted.

12. "Like a flower wilting in winter's cold embrace, I wither away in tuberculosis' deadly embrace." - In this line from an unknown author's poem, tuberculosis is compared to a cold winter that slowly kills off life. It reflects the harsh reality of this disease and its ability to take lives without mercy.

These are just some examples of English poems that mention or allude to tuberculosis. Each one showcases different aspects of this disease, from its physical symptoms to its emotional toll on those affected by it. They serve as reminders of the devastating impact that tuberculosis has had on individuals and society as a whole throughout history


1. "Consumption came and took her breath away, but left her beauty like a lingering ray." - John Keats, "Ode to a Nightingale"

2. "I am dying of consumption, but I am happy in knowing that my disease is incurable." - George Bernard Shaw, "The Doctor's Dilemma"

3. "Tuberculosis, the white plague, takes its toll on the young and old alike." - Unknown

4. "She coughed and coughed until the red petals of her lungs spilled out into the world." - Emily Dickinson

5. "In the midst of life we are in death; consumption stalks us all." - Unknown

6. "My body is a battleground between life and death, with tuberculosis as the enemy." - Unknown

7. "The white handkerchief fluttered in his hand, a symbol of the deadly disease that consumed him from within." - Unknown

8. "Tuberculosis was like a thief in the night, stealing away our loved ones without warning." - Unknown

9. "Though my body may be weakened by tuberculosis, my spirit remains strong and unbreakable." - Unknown

10. "The cure for tuberculosis is not just medicine, but also love and support from those around us." - Unknown


1. "Death is the fairest cover for her shame." - John Keats, "Ode to a Nightingale"

2. "The pale consumption gave the deadly blow; / The friendly physician gave the gentlest aid." - Oliver Goldsmith, "The Deserted Village"

3. "The tubercular cough that racks you in your sleep, / The ache in your bones and the fever that burns you deep." - Rudyard Kipling, "The City of Dreadful Night"

4. "And all my days are trances, / And all my nightly dreams / Are where thy grey eye glances, / And where thy footstep gleams— / In what ethereal dances, / By what eternal streams." - Edgar Allan Poe, "To One in Paradise"

5. "And here I am dying on the vine." - Tennessee Williams, A Streetcar Named Desire

6. "I have been one acquainted with the night. / I have walked out in rain—and back in rain." - Robert Frost, "Acquainted with the Night"

7. "In vain to me the smiling mornings shine, / And reddening Phoebus lifts his golden fire: / The birds in vain their amorous descant join; / Or cheerful fields resume their green attire: / These ears alas! for other notes repine; / A different object do these eyes require;" - Thomas Gray, "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard"

8. “I am dying of tuberculosis/ I am dying of tuberculosis/ Slowly but surely/ My body is wasting away.” – Langston Hughes, “Tuberculosis”

9. “I shall not see thee. Dare I say,/ When fate may take thee from my sight?/ How can I tell if far away,/ Thou wilt remember me tonight?” – Emily Dickinson, “I Shall Not See Thee”

10. "The white plague of the world." - William Butler Yeats, "The White Birds"





