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  • 目录
  • 第1篇伊丽莎白二世在欢迎新加坡总统陈庆炎英语演讲稿 第2篇首届“迎新杯”英语演讲比赛主持稿


mr. president,

prince philip and i are delighted to welcome you and your wife to buckingham palace thisevening.

our two nations enjoy a rich, shared history dating back to when sir stamford raffles landed insingapore almost two centuries ago.

how right he was when he said, “it would be difficult to name a place on the face of the earthwith brighter prospects”.

his name lives on in singapore through schools, hospitals and, of course, raffles hotel, whereprince philip and i stayed on our state visit in 2022.

then, as in our earlier visits, we received a warm welcome from the people of your country, ashave other members of my family, most recently my grandson william and his wife.

your visit to the united kingdom marks the continued deepening of the relationship betweenour countries.

although this is the first state visit from singapore, you attended both the opening ceremoniesof the olympic games in london in 2022, and the commonwealth games in glasgow earlier thisyear, and your prime minister has visited the united kingdom on many occasions.

as well as a common heritage, our countries share a wealth of common interests.

as two of the leading financial services centres in the world, we are significant investors in eachother’s countries.

our interests also extend to defence and security.

ships of the royal navy have been regular visitors to singapore and our armed forces haveserved together on peacekeeping operations around the world.

underpinning all this is a shared belief in openness and free trade, and a world founded onjustice, fairness and international law.

mr. president, your visit is an opportunity to celebrate the links between our two countries,developed over almost two centuries.

but it is also a chance to highlight common future interests, especially in education, researchand innovation, the building of cultural ties and the deepening of the bonds between ourpeople.

the places you will visit during your stay reflect both our common heritage and our futurepriorities.

for example, it was kew gardens that supplied the first rubber seedlings to be cultivated inthe singapore botanic gardens in the 1870s.

and today imperial college is helping to train a new generation of singaporean doctors, justone of many important partnerships that it and other u.k. universities are building withsingapore.

i am pleased to note that, in honour of your visit, the royal commonwealth society ofsingapore is to be re-established; and that the re-founded society will foster new scholarshipsto the u.k. for singaporeans.

and on the international stage, through our respective membership of the european union andthe association of southeast asian nations, and our collective membership of thecommonwealth, there is the scope to pursue common values and interests, to our mutualbenefit.

mr. president, next year singapore marks an important milestone in its remarkable history,the 50th anniversary of independence.

it is a pleasure to celebrate that upcoming golden anniversary with you this evening.

looking back at half a century of cooperation, and ahead to new chapters in our story, it isclear that our countries remain firm friends.

i have no doubt that by maintaining longstanding commitments to openness, fairness andenterprise, this friendship will not only be sustained but will flourish and thrive.

ladies and gentlemen i ask you to rise and drink a toast to the president and people ofsingapore.


一、 good afternoon,everyone,my honoured teachers and my fellow students.i'm very honoured to be the host for today's competition this afternoon to give the opening speech for everybody.now you are watching the 1th “welcome new year”cup english speech contest. this is the final of senior and junior groups. thank you for coming to this afternoon’s competition. in today's show. there are 21 contestants in both groups. they are coming from different classes of different grades. i hope we can exchange experiences of how to learn english better.these experiences will be very useful for the students in our school.so i hope we'll all make good use of this opportunity.

二、ok, now, let's warmly welcome our headmaster ,mr.fu to make remarks.(现在让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎符校长给我们讲话)

(after mr fu making remarks )

三、i think it’s better for me to introduce our judges.

高中组评委:王长玲 陈豪 王雪梅 林春 文林智 李杏

初中组评委:杨畅 卢运谋 符云 符春燕 张怀燕 文玲

四、ok, time for show ,i think.the contest is divided into two groups. the first one is group senior.(比赛分为两个组,先进行的是高中组)

1、now. let's warmly welcome contestant no.1 钟思萍 .her topic is “my school life”and contestant no.2 ,get ready ,please.

2、let's warmly welcome contestant no.2 郭宏辉 .and contestant no.3 ,get ready ,please.

3、let's warmly welcome contestant no.3 欧海妹.and contestant no.4 ,get ready ,please.

4、let's warmly welcome contestant no.4 陈道娟.and contestant no.5 ,get ready ,please.

5、let's warmly welcome contestant no.5 钟玫芳 .and contestant no.6,get ready ,please.

6、ladies and gentlemen,the following is a double show. now let's warmly welcome contestants no.6 张仍时 and 吉承统.and contestant no.7 ,get ready ,please.

7、let's warmly welcome contestant no.7 毛志静.and contestant no.8,get ready ,please.

8、let's warmly welcome contestant no.8 刘莉 .and contestant no.9,

get ready ,please.

9、let's warmly welcome contestant no.9钟雄燕 .and contestant no.10,

get ready ,please.

10、let's warmly welcome the last contestant no.10 王芳and钟玫芳 get onto the stage and give us a performance.

五、wonderful! these ten contestants give us a wonderful show. now, ladies and gentlemen, let’s get down to the other show .( 现在让我们进入另一场比赛,既初中组的演讲赛)

1、first, let’s warmly welcome contestant no.1 符乐阳,his topic is “my scool life”and contestant no.2 get ready please.

2、the next one making a speech for us is contestant no.2赵秀秀. let's welcome.

3、let's continue the competition. the next will be no.3赵雪萍 please.her topic is “my family”and contestant no.4 get ready please

4、now it’s time for no.4 钟秋丹.her topic is “my friend”. no.5 get ready please.

5、evryone has friends.now let’s come to another topic“our english teacher”.welcome contestant no.5 苏丹丹. and contestant no.6 get ready please

6、welcome contestant no.6 陈宣江.his topic is“honesty” and contestant no.7 get ready please

7、now let’s warmly welcome contestant no.7陈咪咪.her topic is “how should one read a book”. contestant no.8 get ready please

8、welcome contestant no.8 杨江雅. contestant no.9 get ready please

9、now it’s time for no.9 符灵月.her topic is “my good friend”. contestant no.9 get ready please

10、the next contestant’s topic is also “my good friend”.now ,let’s welcome no.10 辛浪清.

11、now let’s warmly welcome the last contestant no.11 胡世和.his topic is also “my good friend”

六、and after all the contestants finished their speeches, our judges will have a short discussion about their marks standard.

now, we are taking a break.

七、good afternoon, everyone. welcome back to the 1th “welcome new year”cup english speech contest. and now you are watching the final.

after our judges’ discussion, now the result has come out.

1、 first, i would like to announce the third winners:

xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

2、and then, the second winners:

xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

3、ladies and gentlemen ,can you feel the most exciting moment? how exciting the moment is!

right now, what i am going to announce is the first winners:

xxx and xxx


1、now,let’s welcome the third winners to come onto the stage.

xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

and warmly welcome our leaders to give awards to our winners.

2、and then second winners please.

xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

3、ladies and gentlemen, let's bring the first winners onto the stage with a warm of applause.

九、well,how exciting today the contest is!

but ,now i have to say : that’s all , thank you!
